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4Life® Transfer Factor™ Tri-Factor™ Formula (60 capsules)   Bookmark and Share

Superpower of Immune System Support

To fight advanced health threats, you need advanced support. With Tri-Factor Formula, smart becomes wise. 4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor Formula brings together the intelligence of 4Life Transfer factor and the intuition of NanoFactor™ extract to regulate, boost, and balance the immune system, according to what your body needs.

  • Boosting and balancing support for the immune system, according to what your body needs

  • A more efficient and intelligent immune system to fight off invaders

  • Support that promotes the health of all your body's systems

  • Support for health energy levels

  • A proactive strategy to maintain your health


What makes this product unique?

  • Transfer factors are tiny messenger molecules that transfer immunity information from one entity to another, such as between a breastfeeding mother and her newborn infant.

  • NanoFactor™ extract is 4Life's patent-pending extract of immune system-enhancing nanofractions. It helps “fine-tune” immune system function so that immune cells know when to act, how to act, and when to rest.

  • The extraction process for transfer factors from egg sources is protected by US patent 6,468,534; and the combining process for colostrum and egg sources is protected by U.S. patent 6,866,868.

  • Independent laboratory studies show that 4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor Formula can boost immune system effectiveness by raising Natural Killer cell function 283 percent.

  • 4Life Transfer Factor products are featured in the Physicians' Desk Reference For Nonprescription Drugs and Dietary Supplements since 2002, the standard supplement guide for physicians that can be found in physician offices, hospitals, and pharmacies throughout the United States.

  • 4Life Transfer Factor products have been recommended by the Russian Federation for use in hospitals and clinics. This historic announcement was a result of ten separate scientific trials and two experimental studies extolling the benefits of 4Life Transfer Factor products.


Transfer Factor E-XF (a patented concentrate of transfer factors and other natural components from cow colostrum and egg yolk), and NanoFactor (a proprietary concentrate of nano-filtered cow colostrum.)

Complementary Products

4Life Transfer Factor RioVida® Tri-Factor Formula
4Life Transfer Factor Plus® Tri-Factor Formula

We were introduced to 4Life Transfer Factor in 1999. At the time, we were desperate to find a natural product that could support our three year-old daughter’s immune system. We know that 4Life Transfer Factor has made all the difference. Today she is healthy and happy. She takes 4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula to keep her immune system strong and healthy. In fact we have the whole family taking Transfer Factor. We are now strong believers in the whole Transfer Factor family of products.
—Domenic & Helena C. 4Life Distributors

I was introduced to 4Life in December of 2004, after reading Dr. Hennen’s book about transfer factors. I read some great testimonials and decided I didn’t have anything to lose. I started taking 4Life Transfer Factor and within ten days, noticed a wonderful level of support, particularly in terms of balance, for my immune system.  Now, I especially love drinking 4Life Transfer Factor RioVida! Transfer Factor will always be an important part of my life. Thank you 4Life!
—Joy B. 4Life Distributor

I have been taking 4Life Transfer Factor products since 1998 and I’ve never missed a single day. I take 4Life Transfer Factor Cardio, MalePro, and ReCall. In addition to these I take Rite Start for Men and 4Life Transfer Factor RioVida. I’m so grateful for the immune support I receive from these Transfer Factor products. When people ask me how I’m feeling, I say, “I feel great. Never felt better! What do you expect, I’m only 73!” My best marketing tool is how I look and how I feel!
—LaVern R. 4Life Distributor

Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula has helped support my immune system’s ability to deal with the challenging problems that come its way. I am back to my daily activities with rejuvenated zeal and vigor! Thanks a million Transfer Factor Advanced Formula!
TC Brian Y. 4Life Distributor

Upon returning from a week’s business trip, I found my nine-month old kitty, Hemingway, just skin and bones. Something seemed to have happened to his feeding schedule while I was away, so I gave him lots of food, which he constantly cried for! But, after two weeks, he hadn't gained any weight back. He just sat and stared, no energy or personality. A friend had told me about 4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula and I decided to try it for my kitty. I began giving Hemingway two capsules a day. Transfer Factor Advanced Formula seems to be supporting his immune system because over the past two months he has regained all his weight, eats two regular meals with a night-time snack, plays with the other cat and has normal stools. When I called the vet to report his progress, the vet said, “Keep doing what you're doing”. Thank you, Transfer Factor!
Caryl L. 4Life Distributor

I've only been taking 4Life Transfer Factor for about ten days, but prior to that, I had to use a nasal spray for allergies every day because of a persistent running nose. After only a couple of days on 4Life Transfer Factor, I really felt a difference in my immune system. Thanks for a wonderful product!
Deborah K., 4Life Distributor
Cookville, Tennesse

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